Yep, nanoblading is basically microblading. So why are tattoo artists calling it nanoblading now?
You guessed it—marketing!
Microblading has gotten a bad reputation, so artists are rebranding it as nanoblading!
But what's the difference? Artists say it's more delicate than microblading because they use a smaller row of needle diameters to make the cuts. Although that's true, technically, it's the same thing, just with a fancier name for marketing.
So, what exactly are Nano brows? They're not the same as microblading, right? Nope, Nano brows aren't microblading or nanoblading. They're done using a tattoo machine and a needle cartridge, which means no cutting involved.
If you have a tattoo, you know how it shades the skin's surface. No cutting, just puncturing pigment into the skin. It's like shading one line to look like a hair, and it's super cool. I totally prefer it.
What's the difference in the look of nanoblading versus nano brows? Both create hair-like strokes, but they look a bit different.
Nanoblading involves precise, thin cuts with pigment. Nano brows look fluffier, more whimsical, more flexible, and are more like a shaded hair stroke. They can have a microblading-like appearance but offer more flexibility in style and technique compared to microblading.
So why don't artists just learn nano brows if they want to offer microblading as nanoblading? Because mastering nano brows takes years and is one of the toughest techniques to learn. It's easier to stick with what they know!
So why did I, along with many other artists, stop doing microblading? Well, we got tired of cutting the skin and found that using a machine to tattoo hair strokes was much gentler. It gave us more creative freedom and was kinder to the skin.
The switch wasn't a breeze, and I had to go through three trainings in a year, but in the end, it made me stand out from other local artists and helped me run my business with integrity and honesty.
At first, my healing skills were a bit faded until I got more practice and found my rhythm, but I was confident in the nano brow technique about 90% of the time. I only felt sure about microblading around 15% of the time.
I hope that helps. Let me know in the comments about your experience. Thank you.